Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who lived in a small town. One day, a thief stole a valuable necklace from the local jewelry store and the police started a prosecution to find the culprit.
Lily had seen the thief run past her on the day of the theft and she was asked to testify in court. She was a little scared but she knew it was important to help determine the truth.
The prosecution presented their evidence and asked Lily to come to the stand to tell what she saw. She took a deep breath and told the judge and jury about the thief running past her.
The defense tried to make Lily doubt her memory, but she was sure of what she saw and her testimony helped sustain the prosecution's case.
With Lily's testimony and the other evidence, the judge was able to determine that the thief was guilty and he was sent to jail for his crime.
Lily felt proud of herself for being brave and helping to bring the thief to justice. She learned that it's important to always tell the truth and to stand up for what's right, even if it's scary.
The end.
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