Timmy's Busy Day: Fixing the Bike, Feeding the Dog, and Practicing the Piano

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to ride his bike around the neighborhood, but one day, his bike broke down. He couldn't ride it anymore. Timmy's mother told him that he needed to fix his bike before he could ride it again.

Timmy felt sad, but he knew he had to fix his bike. He went to the garage and found the tools he needed. He worked hard and finally fixed his bike. He was so happy that he could ride it again. He rode his bike all around the neighborhood, showing off his new and improved bike.

After playing outside, Timmy's mother reminded him that he needed to feed the dog. Timmy went to the kitchen and got the dog food. He filled up the dog's bowl and watched as the dog happily ate. The dog wagged his tail and licked Timmy's face, grateful for the food.

Timmy's mother also reminded him that he needed to practice the piano. Timmy went to the living room and sat down at the piano. He practiced his scales and songs until his mother said it was time for dinner.

Timmy's mother asked him if he wanted to help her cook dinner. Timmy was excited and said yes. He helped his mother chop the vegetables and stir the sauce. They worked together and soon, dinner was ready. They sat down at the table and enjoyed the delicious meal they had cooked together.

After dinner, Timmy's mother reminded him that he needed to practice the piano again. Timmy went back to the living room and practiced some more. He was getting better and better at playing the piano. He was proud of himself for fixing his bike, feeding the dog, and practicing the piano. He felt happy and content.

The end.


  1. Why did Timmy feel sad at first when his bike broke down?
  2. How did Timmy feel after he fixed his bike?
  3. Why was the dog grateful to Timmy?
  4. What did Timmy and his mother do together to make dinner?
  5. How did Timmy feel at the end of the story?

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