Max's Journey to Self-Reliance

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Max who lived in a small village. Max was always fascinated by the big houses he saw in the city and he wanted to live in one of those houses someday. One day, he heard about a trade fair in the city and he decided to go there to see if he could trade his goods and earn enough money to buy a big house.

Max packed his bags with all the things he had made, such as handmade baskets and wooden toys, and set off for the city. When he arrived at the fair, he was amazed by all the sights and sounds. He saw traders from far and wide, selling all sorts of goods. Max set up his own stall and started trading.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as he had hoped. Max's goods were not as popular as he thought they would be, and he didn't make much money. He was scolded by the other traders for not being good enough, and he felt very sad and hopeless.

One night, as Max was lying in his tent, feeling the full weight of his woe, he remembered something his mother had told him. She had always encouraged him to be self-reliant and to never give up on his dreams. Max decided that he would not let the scolding of others get him down. He would work harder, be more creative, and make better goods that people would want to buy.

And that's exactly what he did. Max rose early every day, put in long hours at his stall, and made sure that his goods were the best they could be. People started to take notice, and soon his goods were in high demand. Max's trade flourished, and he earned enough money to buy the big house he had always dreamed of.

Max never forgot the lesson he learned about self-reliance and determination. He went on to become one of the most successful traders in the city, and he lived happily ever after in his big house. And that is the story of Max, the young boy who never gave up on his dreams.


  1. What did Max want to do at the trade fair?
  2. Why did Max feel sad and hopeless?
  3. What did Max's mother tell him to help him feel better?
  4. How did Max become successful at the trade fair?
  5. What did Max learn from his experience at the trade fair?
  6. How does the story of Max show the importance of self-reliance and determination?

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