The Village of Good Hearts: A Tale of Morality and Self-Governance

Once upon a time, in a small village lived a group of animals who lived together in peace and harmony. They had a strong sense of morality, which guided their actions and decisions. They were a self-governing community and all of the animals had equal representation in their meetings.

One day, a group of greedy animals from a nearby village came to their village and stole all of their food. The animals were very upset and felt like they had to retaliate. However, the leader of their village, a wise old owl, reminded them of the morale they lived by and suggested they find a different solution.

The animals came together and decided to share what little food they had with their neighbors. They believed that spreading kindness and generosity was a much better way to show their strength than retaliation.

The greedy animals were taken aback by the kindness of the self-governing community. They realized that their actions were wrong and apologized. From then on, the two villages lived in peace and harmony and shared their resources with each other.

The animals learned that morality and self-governing, with equal representation, was the key to living in peace and harmony. They continued to spread kindness and generosity and their village became known as the village of good hearts.

Moral of the story: Kindness and generosity are stronger than retaliation, and self-governing with equal representation helps to create a peaceful and harmonious community.


  1. Why did the animals feel like they needed to retaliate against the greedy animals?
  2. How did the wise old owl help the animals find a better solution?
  3. What did the greedy animals learn from the self-governing community?
  4. Why is it important to have equal representation in a community?
  5. What does it mean to live by a strong sense of morality?
  6. What does the story teach us about the power of kindness and generosity?
  7. Can you think of a time when you chose kindness over retaliation?
  8. How can we apply the lessons from this story in our own lives?

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