The Matriarch's Clever plan: An Elephant's tale of Survival and Intelligence

Once upon a time, in the African savanna, there lived a herd of elephants. The elephants lived in their natural habitat, the grasslands, where they found food and water to survive. The elephants were herbivores, which means they only ate plants.

Every year, when the dry season came, the elephants had to migrate to find more food and water. They walked for days, sometimes even weeks, to reach a new place. The elephants were led by the matriarch, the oldest and wisest female in the herd. She used her intelligence to find the best route for the herd to follow.

One day, the elephants came across a group of hunters who were looking for ivory, a material that comes from the tusks of elephants. The hunters wanted to sell the ivory for a lot of money, but the elephants didn't want to give up their tusks. They had to adapt to the danger and find a way to protect themselves.

The matriarch came up with a plan. She told the herd to manipulate the hunters by pretending to be asleep. The hunters thought the elephants were harmless and wouldn't bother them, so they moved on. The elephants were able to escape danger and continue their migration without any harm.

From that day on, the elephants always remembered to use their intelligence and adapt to new situations in order to protect themselves and their habitat. And they lived happily ever after, roaming the savanna, finding food and water, and always staying together as a herd.


  1. What are herbivores?
  2. Why did the elephants have to migrate every year?
  3. Who was the leader of the herd of elephants?
  4. What did the matriarch do to protect the herd from hunters?
  5. What is ivory made from?
  6. How did the elephants use their intelligence to escape danger?
  7. What did you learn about adapting to new situations from the story?

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