Flank the Champion: Overcoming Viciousness and Becoming Proficient

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a horse named Flank. He was a strong and fast horse, but he had a problem - he was very vicious. He would bite and kick any other horse that came near him, and he was feared by all the other animals in the kingdom.

One day, the king of the kingdom declared that there was to be a big horse race, and the winner would receive a golden trophy and a bag of sweets. Flank wanted to win more than anything, but he knew that his vicious behavior would get in the way.

So, Flank made a plan. He decided to become proficient at racing, to train harder than any other horse in the kingdom and to overcome his viciousness. Every day, Flank would run through the fields, practicing his speed and agility. He also made a promise to himself to be nice to the other horses and not to let his anger get the better of him.

The day of the big race finally arrived, and all the horses in the kingdom were there. They were all nervous, but Flank was confident. He had trained so hard and had become so proficient that he was sure he would win.

The race started, and the horses galloped down the track. Flank was in the lead, but then he saw another horse, one that he had been vicious to before, start to catch up. But instead of getting angry, Flank remembered his promise and encouraged the other horse, telling it to keep going.

In the end, Flank crossed the finish line first and won the race. The king of the kingdom was so impressed by Flank's kindness and sportsmanship that he decided to give him a special award for his efforts.

From that day on, Flank was no longer known for his vicious behavior but for his kindness and love for racing. He had overcome his infraction and had become a true champion, both on and off the track.


  1. What was Flank's problem in the beginning of the story?
  2. Why did Flank want to win the horse race?
  3. How did Flank change from being vicious to kind?
  4. What did the king of the kingdom do to reward Flank at the end of the story?
  5. What did Flank learn by the end of the story?
  6. How did Flank's attitude towards other horses change throughout the story?
  7. Why was it important for Flank to become proficient at racing?
  8. How did Flank show sportsmanship in the story?

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