Animals in the Wild: A Celebration of Diversity and the Need for Care.

In the wild, in the land and sea,
So many creatures there can be.
Some are big, and some are small,
Some are short, and some are tall.

A giraffe stands tall above the rest,
His neck so long, his spots so blessed.
A crocodile may seem quite scary,
But in the water, he's necessary.

A koala in a tree will sleep,
So cute and cuddly, always so deep.
A lion with his mighty roar,
Is king of the jungle, that's for sure.

A zebra with stripes so black and white,
Runs so fast, it's quite a sight.
A dolphin in the ocean blue,
So playful and friendly, it's true.

An elephant with a trunk so long,
And big gray ears, so very strong.
A panda in the forest green,
Is such a peaceful, gentle being.

A kangaroo with hops so high,
Will jump around, and then just lie.
So many animals in this land,
Each one unique, each one so grand.

Let's love and care for every one,
And keep them safe 'til day is done.


  1. Can you name some animals mentioned in this paragraph?
  2. What makes each animal unique and special?
  3. Why is it important to love and care for all the animals mentioned in this paragraph?

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