The World of Colors: Each with a Story to Tell".

In the world of colors, so bright and so bold,
There are so many stories yet to be told.
From the fiery reds to the skies of blue,
Each color has its own story to imbue.

Pink is the color of love and care,
It's the color of flowers, so pretty and rare.
White is the color of purity and light,
It's the color of snowflakes, so soft and so white.

Orange is the color of warmth and cheer,
It's the color of sunshine, so bright and so clear.
Green is the color of nature's great grace,
It's the color of trees, so sturdy in place.

Black is the color of mystery and might,
It's the color of the night, so dark and so right.
Purple is the color of magic and dreams,
It's the color of royalty, so grand it seems.

Brown is the color of the earth and the ground,
It's the color of bark and dirt, so sturdy and sound.
Yellow is the color of the sun and its rays,
It's the color of happiness, so bright and so gay.

So, young ones, remember these colors so true,
Each one has a story, each one for you.
From red to blue, and everything in between,
The world of colors is a sight to be seen.


  1. What are some of the colors mentioned in the poem and what are their associated meanings?
  2. How do different colors make you feel and why?
  3. Can you think of a time when a particular color helped tell a story or express a feeling?

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