Friends in the Field: The Cow, the Puppy, the Goose, the Goat, the Rat, and the Fox

In a field, there lived a cow,
And a little puppy, who loved to bow,
They played and ran around all day,
And chased a rat, who was never at bay.

A goose flew in with a loud honk,
Followed by a goat, who loved to clonk,
They greeted the cow and the pup with glee,
And all became friends, as happy as can be.

But then a fox appeared in sight,
With a cunning grin, and eyes so bright,
He tried to trick the animals with his sly talk,
But they saw through his plan, and began to walk.

Away from the fox, they ran with speed,
Until they were safe, and no longer in need,
Of his tricks and his lies, they were done,
And they knew now, that together they had won.

So they continued to play and roam,
And the cow, the pup, the goose, the goat,
And even the rat, who found a new home,
Were all happy together, in their little remote.


  1. Who are the main characters in the poem?
  2. What did the fox try to do to the other animals?
  3. How did the other animals outsmart the fox?
  4. What did the animals learn about friendship and working together?
  5. What are some of the fun activities the animals did together in the field?

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