The Magical Journey Through the Enchanted Forest

Come children, let's sing and play,
Let's run around and dance all day,
We'll touch the flowers and feel the breeze,
And eat some yummy treats with ease.

Let's ride our bikes and draw some art,
We'll create masterpieces from the start,
And when the sun begins to set,
We'll know it's time to rest.

But before we say goodnight,
Let's sing a song with all our might,
For in this moment, we are free,
To be whoever we want to be.


  1. What are some activities mentioned in the poem that you enjoy doing?
  2. How does the poem make you feel about singing, playing, and being creative?
  3. If you could add another activity to the poem, what would it be and why?
  4. What do you think the poet means when they say, "in this moment, we are free to be whoever we want to be"?
  5. How does the poem make you appreciate the beauty of nature and the joy of being alive?

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