The Adventures of an Imaginative Elephant and his Friends

An eagle flies high in the sky,
With sharp eyes that can see so nigh,
But when it's time to say goodbye,
It lands on the ground with a gentle sigh.

An envelope is a special letter's ride,
It carries words that make you feel so bright,
From friends and family that are far and wide,
It brings them close, just like a guide.

An engine roars and makes a sound,
As it moves things up and down,
It powers cars, trains, and boats that abound,
And takes us to places we have found.

An ear is for listening, oh so clear,
It hears the sounds that are so near,
From whispers to yells, it can hear,
And makes us giggle, grin, or even cheer.

An eyebrow is above the eye,
It moves up and down, oh my,
It shows our feelings, sad or shy,
And when we're happy, it soars up high.

An egg is a start of something new,
A tiny creature that's just like you,
It grows and grows and breaks through,
And becomes a chick, or maybe two.

An elephant is a massive friend,
With a trunk that can reach and bend,
It's strong and kind, till the very end,
And can make us laugh and comprehend.

An eye can see so many things,
The colors, shapes, and other blings,
It helps us read, write, and sing,
And brings joy to everything.

So use your eagle eyes to see,
The world that's waiting just for thee,
With an envelope of love, you'll see,
A journey that will fill you with glee.


  1. What do you think the eagle can see from high up in the sky?
  2. Why do you think an envelope is a special letter's ride?
  3. Can you think of other things that use an engine to move?
  4. What are some sounds that your ears can hear?
  5. Why do you think our eyebrows move when we feel different emotions?
  6. What are some different ways we can eat eggs?
  7. Have you ever seen an elephant? What did you notice about it?
  8. How do our eyes help us to learn and explore the world around us?

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