The Enchanted Forest

In a forest deep and dark,
Lived creatures wild, and some quite stark.
A wolf howled loud, and the woodpecker pecked,
As a white mouse scurried away, quite vexed.

A window in the trees did peek,
And a whale appeared, ever so sleek.
But how could a whale be in the woods?
It must be magic, some thought it should.

And then came along a little worm,
Who squiggled and squirmed,


  1. What kind of forest do you think the poem is describing?
  2. Which animal in the poem is your favorite and why?
  3. What do you think happened when the wand appeared in the forest?
  4. Do you think it's possible for a whale to be in a forest? Why or why not?
  5. How do you think the white mouse felt when the other creatures were making loud noises?

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