The Magical Garden Adventure

In the bathroom, what do we see?
A mirror, shiny as can be!
With toothbrush and toothpaste too,
We brush our teeth and make them new.

Next comes shampoo, so bubbly and fun,
We scrub and wash until we're done.
Rinse it out with water clear,
And the soap goes next, no need to fear.

We lather up and wash our hands,
Making sure to clean all the lands.
Then dry them off with a soft towel,
So fresh and clean, we all can howl!

So let's remember, every day,
To keep our bodies clean in every way.
With soap and shampoo, toothbrush and more,
We'll be clean and fresh forevermore!


  1. What are some things you use in the bathroom to get clean?
  2. Why is it important to brush your teeth every day?
  3. What is your favorite part of getting ready in the bathroom?
  4. Can you think of any other bathroom essentials that weren't mentioned in the poem?
  5. How do you feel after you've finished getting ready in the bathroom?

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