Rosie's Chores and Home Security

Once upon a time, in a house down the lane,
Lived a little girl, with a bright shining name.
Her name was Rosie, and she loved to play,
But first, she had some chores to do each day.

With a dustpan and broom, Rosie would sweep,
All the crumbs and dirt, that she needed to keep,
In the trash bin outside, she'd make sure it goes,
To keep her home tidy, from her head to her toes.

Then, with a stamp and some letters in hand,
She'd skip down the lane, to the letterbox stand,
She'd post them with care, and a smile so sweet,
Hoping they'd reach their loved ones, ever so neat.

As she came back, she'd see the gate,
And make sure it was locked, before it got too late,
Then, with a jingle of the doorbell's sound,
Her mom would open the door, and she'd be homeward bound.

In the driveway, a car was parked so bright,
Rosie would wave, and it felt just right,
For the car brought her dad, home from work each day,
And she loved when he'd pick her up and swing her away.

Now her chores were done, and her family was near,
She'd rest and play, without any fear,
For Rosie knew that her home was secure,
And her heart was filled, with love so pure.


  1. Who is the main character in the poem?
  2. What chores does Rosie do around her home?
  3. Why does Rosie make sure the gate is locked and the doorbell rings before entering her home?
  4. What does Rosie do with the letters and stamps?
  5. Why does Rosie love when her dad comes home from work?

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