At the police station, the cops keep us safe,
They catch the bad guys who try to escape.
They wear shiny badges and uniforms too,
And drive in fast cars with sirens that woo.
At the traffic lights, we wait for the sign,
Red means stop, green means go, yellow means it's time.
We cross at the zebra crossing, a path for us to tread,
We look left and right before we move ahead.
At the bank, we deposit and withdraw,
Our money is safe, behind the secure door.
We buy toys at the shop, and food to eat,
There's so much to choose from, it's a real treat.
In court, the judge listens and decides,
Who's right and wrong, and who abides.
The fire station is where the firefighters stay,
They're always ready to save the day.
And when we need to go, we head to the loo,
The public toilet is where we can do what we need to do.
We wash our hands and leave with a smile,
Knowing we'll come back in a little while.
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