The Adventures of Fun and Friends

Come little ones, let's have some fun,
We'll do lots of things until we're done.
We'll pull and carry, climb up high,
Skate and throw, watch the fun fly by.

Let's try some tangram, it's a cool game,
You can make anything, it's not the same.
We'll also go fishing, in a lake or a pond,
And see who can catch the biggest one.

We'll ski down hills and feel the breeze,
Push ourselves to do what we please.
We'll catch a ball, run and play,
Until the sun sets at the end of the day.

So come along, let's have a blast,
And make memories that will forever last.


  1. What are some of the different activities that are mentioned in the poem?
  2. Which activity would you most like to try and why?
  3. How do you think the friends in the poem feel when they're doing these activities together?
  4. What is a tangram and how do you play with it?
  5. Can you think of other fun activities that you like to do with your friends?

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