How to Take Care of Yourself When Feeling Sick: Tips for Kids.

When we're feeling sick and down
Our body might make funny sounds
Our head might ache or feel so dizzy
Our nose might sneeze, oh how busy!

Sometimes we catch a cold or two
And our nose might run like a kangaroo
Our throat might itch and feel so sore
But we'll get better, that's for sure!

If our stomach starts to ache
We might feel like we can't take
But rest and lots of water too
Will help us feel better, it's true!

And when our tooth starts to hurt
It might make us want to blurt
But brushing twice a day we know
Keeps our teeth healthy, don't you know?

And if we ever feel like we might vomit
We should tell an adult, don't try to hide it
They'll help us feel better, that's for sure
And soon we'll be feeling good once more!

So if you ever feel a little sick
Just remember this little trick
Rest, drink water, and tell someone you trust
And soon your health will be back to robust!


  1. What are some funny sounds that our body might make when we're feeling sick and down?
  2. What are some symptoms of catching a cold or two, and how can we get better?
  3. What should we do when our tooth starts to hurt, and how can we keep our teeth healthy?
  4. What should we do if we feel like we might vomit, and why is it important to tell an adult we trust?

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