A Helping Hand in the Garden

It's important to be polite and kind,
When interacting with others, keep these words in mind:
"Yes" and "thank you" are always nice to say,
And "excuse me" is useful throughout the day.

If you need to borrow a pen,
Just ask politely and you'll get one then.
And if you see someone's handbag on the ground,
Say "pardon me" and pick it up, don't leave it around.

When someone helps you, say "thank you very much,"
It's a way to show appreciation and such.
And if someone asks you a question or two,
Be sure to answer with a "yes" or "no" that's true.

Remember to be kind to yourself and others, too,
And always be respectful in what you say and do.
So let's use our manners, as we learn and grow,
And show that being polite is always in tow.


  1. What are some ways to be polite and kind to others?
  2. Why is it important to say "thank you" when someone helps you?
  3. What should you do if you accidentally bump into someone?
  4. How can saying "excuse me" help in different situations?
  5. How can using your manners make other people feel?

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