Jane and the Adventure to Norway

There once was a girl named Jane,
Who went on a trip by plane.
With her friend by her side,
They were filled with so much pride.

They arrived at the airport with glee,
Ready to embark on their journey to see,
The sights and sounds of a Norwegian land,
With a passport and a suitcase in hand.

But as they stood in line,
A customs officer said with a shine,
"Where are you going, my dear?
And why do you want to be here?"

"We're going to explore and have fun,
In the land of the Norwegian sun.
We have our passports, as you can see,
And we're here with our friend, a Danish beauty."

The officer smiled and said with cheer,
"Welcome to our country, have no fear.
Enjoy your stay and have a ball,
And remember, be safe through it all."

So the girls set off on their way,
Excited for their adventure every day.
In the land of the Norwegian skies,
With their friend and new memories to prize.


  1. Who is the main character of the poem?
  2. Where did the girl and her friend go for their adventure?
  3. Who did they meet at the airport and what did they do?
  4. What was the purpose of their trip?
  5. What cultural references were mentioned in the poem?
  6. What do you think Jane and her friend learned on their adventure?
  7. How would you feel if you were going on an adventure to a new country?
  8. What do you think was the most exciting part of Jane's trip?
  9. What can you learn about different cultures by traveling?
  10. Would you like to go on an adventure like Jane and her friend did? Why or why not?

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