Cozy Comfort in the Living Room: Finding Happiness in Simple Things".

In the living room, by the window so bright,
There sits an armchair, oh what a sight!
It's big and comfy, just right for me,
I love to snuggle, and watch what I see.

Near the chair is a door, leading out to play,
But for now I'll stay put, and enjoy my day.
On the wall there's a picture, so colorful and fun,
It makes me smile, and feel like I've won.

From my armchair I can see far and wide,
And watch the world outside as it goes by.
With a view so great, and a room so cozy,
I'll sit here for hours, feeling oh so rosy.

So if you're ever feeling blue or sad,
Just take a seat, and enjoy what you have.
In your armchair by the window, in your living room so nice,
You'll find happiness and peace, it's like your own paradise.


  1. What is the author's favorite thing to do when sitting in the armchair by the window?
  2. What can you see outside from the armchair in the living room?
  3. How does the picture on the wall make the author feel?

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