Tea Time Adventure: The Search for the Kettle

Once upon a time, in a kitchen so fine,
There sat a teapot, oh so divine,
It sat on the stove, all shiny and bright,
Just waiting for someone to use it, alright.

A little girl walked in, with a smile on her face,
She wanted some tea, and she knew the right place,
She looked all around, but couldn't find a kettle,
But of course, she spotted it, behind a bottle.

She filled it with water, and put it to boil,
And now the teapot was ready, to make her day royal,
She poured in the tea, and stirred it just right,
Then poured it in her cup, what a sight!

With her tea in hand, she sat and she sipped,
And felt all warm, as her tea was being sipped,
She smiled and she said, "I'm so glad I found,
This teapot and kettle, what joy they surround."

So, my dear young friends, whenever you need,
A cup of hot tea, just pay attention and heed,
Look around and you'll find, what you need right now,
A teapot and a kettle, to make your tea wow!


  1. What did the little girl do to make her tea?
  2. How did the teapot and kettle help the little girl?
  3. Why do you think the little girl had to look behind the bottle to find the kettle?
  4. How do you think the little girl felt when she finally had her cup of tea?
  5. What would you do if you wanted to have a cup of tea like the little girl in the poem?

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