The Little Explorer at the Butcher's Shop

Once upon a time, there was a little kid,
Who loved to hear stories, all that adults forbid.
One day, the kid went to a butcher's shop,
To explore the different meats, he just couldn't stop.

The butcher greeted him with a smile,
And asked him if he would like to try.
The kid said, "Yes, please! Tell me what you've got,
I want to know, mince, beef, or maybe lamb or not."

The butcher showed him a cut of steak,
Said, "This is delicious, it's hard to mistake.
And if you like something with a little more zest,
Try this chicken, it's the best of the best."

The kid was amazed by the different meats,
And how the butcher could tell them apart so neat.
He asked, "Do you have a husband or a wife?
Who helps you with this amazing life?"

The butcher chuckled and said with a grin,
"No, I do this alone, it's my own little win.
I love my job, and I love my meat,
I take pride in it, and it can't be beat."

So the kid learned all about meat that day,
And how a butcher can brighten someone's way.
And when he went home, he was sure to tell,
All about his adventure and how it all fell.


  1. What did the little kid do when he went to the butcher's shop?
  2. What were some of the meats the butcher showed the kid?
  3. What did the butcher say about his job?
  4. How did the kid feel about his adventure at the end of the poem?
  5. Have you ever been to a butcher's shop before, and if so, what did you see and learn?

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