Title: "The Rewards of Hard Work and Play

There once was a kid who wanted to play,
But they had some chores they had to do today.
They grumbled and sighed, "Why do I have to clean?
I'd much rather play and be carefree and keen."

But then their mom said, "Listen, my dear,
If you do these tasks, you'll feel better, I fear.
You'll have a clean space to run and jump,
And your toys will be safe from any dust clumps."

The kid thought about it and realized she was right,
So they got up and began with all their might.
They dusted and swept and cleaned up the mess,
And when they were done, they felt a sense of success.

Then their mom said, "You've done so well,
Let's go get some food and have a swell
Time at the park, where you can play,
And run around until the end of the day."

So they went to the park and had lots of fun,
Swinging and sliding until the day was done.
They ran and played and let out a cheer,
Feeling happy and free, with nothing to fear.

And as they went home, the kid certainly knew,
That sometimes the right thing to do,
Is to get up and work hard for a while,
So you can remain happy, with a big smile.

For in the end, the reward is so rich,
When you do what you need to, without a glitch.
You can play and have fun, without any regret,
And know that you've done your best, without a fret.


  1. What does the kid in the poem want to do at the beginning?
  2. Why does the mom encourage the kid to do their chores first?
  3. How does the kid feel after finishing their chores and playing at the park?
  4. Why is it important to work hard before playing?
  5. What was your favorite part of the poem and why?

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