The Magical Adventure of Flying to Faraway Cities

Come and join me on a flight,
We'll soar the skies with all our might,
From New York we'll take off high,
And wave the city down goodbye.

We'll fly across the sea so blue,
To Bombay, Tokyo, and Athens too,
And stop in Berlin, a city so grand,
With sights and sounds so truly grand.

Our pilot is brave and oh so cool,
In Madrid, he'll fly us like a jewel,
We'll see the sights and have some fun,
Before we head back when we're done.

Our journey's been a wild affair,
But now it's time to go back there,
To New York, where we first did start,
We'll land and end with a happy heart.

So come and fly with me today,
To cities far and wide we'll play,
And when it's time for us to part,
We'll know it's not the end, but just the start.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the poem:

  1. What do you think it would be like to fly to all these different cities?
  2. Which city would you like to visit the most, and why?
  3. What do you think the pilot's job is like, and what qualities do you think a good pilot should have?
  4. How do you think the people in these cities might be different from the people where you live?
  5. Why do you think it's important to travel and see different parts of the world?

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