Adventure in the Enchanted Forest

When you play and run around
Remember, don't fall to the ground
If you slip and hurt your back
Stand up again, don't lose track

Say "ow" if it hurts a lot
Take a deep breath, it'll ease the spot
Don't be afraid to ask for aid
Someone's always there to come to your aid

If you're climbing stairs, be sure to hold on tight
Don't rush, take your time, and everything will be all right
If you do fall down the stairs
Call for help, don't try to bear

Remember to be careful and aware
But if you need assistance, don't despair
Just ask for help, we'll be there for you
To make sure you're safe and happy too!


  1. Why is it important to be careful and aware when we're playing or walking around?
  2. What should you do if you slip and fall?
  3. Why is it okay to ask for help when we need it?
  4. Can you think of a time when you fell or got hurt and needed help?
  5. What are some ways we can make sure we're safe when we're climbing stairs or walking on slippery surfaces?

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