Title: A Teaspoonful of Courage

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a group of kids who loved to play,
They had an idea, they wanted to share,
But they felt a little shy, like they didn't dare.

One of the kids said, "I have a plan,
Let's take a teaspoonful of courage in our hand,
And just speak up, it's not so tough,
We'll be heard, and that's enough."

A few of the kids were still unsure,
They felt a little pity, like they weren't so pure,
But they saw their friends take the lead,
And they knew they could do it, yes indeed.

And so they spoke up, one by one,
Sharing their ideas, having fun,
They realized they had so much to express,
And that their ideas were truly the best.

So if you ever feel a little less,
Remember this tale, and take a guess,
Take a teaspoonful of courage and you'll see,
That your ideas will shine brightly, just like these.


  1. What was the idea that the kids wanted to share?
  2. Why did the kids feel shy about sharing their ideas at first?
  3. What did the kid mean when they said to take a "teaspoonful of courage"?
  4. How did the kids feel after they shared their ideas with each other?
  5. Have you ever felt shy about sharing your ideas? What can you do to feel more confident?

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