The Big Happy Family and the Wise Grandparents

Once upon a time in a kingdom far away,
Lived a big and happy family every day.
They had a king who ruled with great care,
And a queen, his wife, who was always there.

The king had a father, a grandfather so wise,
Who told stories and jokes that brought big surprise.
He had a wife, a grandmother so dear,
Who cooked delicious meals and brought everyone near.

The king and his queen had a family of their own,
With children, cousins, aunts and uncles shown.
They all played and laughed, and had so much fun,
Together they celebrated under the shining sun.

The king was a husband to his lovely queen,
Together they were a happy and loving team.
Their family was strong, their love was true,
And they knew their grandparents loved them too.

So kids, remember the importance of family ties,
And cherish the moments with grandparents, wise.
For they are the ones who hold the key,
To a happy and fulfilling family.


  1. Who are the main characters in the poem, and what are their roles in the family?
  2. What kind of relationship does the king have with his grandfather and grandmother?
  3. What are some of the things that the family likes to do together?
  4. How does the grandmother show her love for the family?
  5. What is the main message of the poem, and why is family important?

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