Lost and Found: A Tale of Perseverance and Friendship

When you're out and about, my dear,
And the world around is unclear,
Just remember these words, my love,
And you'll find your way without a shove.

If you face the rising sun, so bright,
You're looking at the East, that's right!
To your left is the North, where snow abounds,
And to your right is the South, where warmth surrounds.

If you walk towards the setting sun,
The West is where you'll have fun!
And if you're going straight ahead,
You're on the path that lies ahead.

So remember these words, my little friend,
And you'll never feel lost again!
Left, East, West, and Right,
North, South, and Straight in sight!
Just follow the direction that you know,
And wherever you go, you'll always glow!


  1. What are the cardinal directions mentioned in the poem, and in which direction does each one point?
  2. Why is it important to know the cardinal directions when you are out and about?
  3. How might you use the knowledge of the cardinal directions to explore a new place?
  4. How does the poem help you remember the directions?
  5. Can you think of a time when you were lost or needed directions, and how might remembering the cardinal directions have helped you?

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