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In the morning when we wake,
The day is bright and full of grace.
We have a whole new day to make,
And time to fill at our own pace.

As the hours tick by, we learn and play,
Each minute brings something new.
We count the seconds in our way,
Until the evening comes into view.

The afternoon is when we run and shout,
And play with friends both old and new.
We cherish every moment without a doubt,
And wish that time would never be through.

The sun sets, and night falls upon us,
Bringing a hush to our world so bright.
We know that in darkness there is no fuss,
And we can rest for the coming light.

Days turn into weeks, weeks to months,
And soon the year has come to an end.
Time flies by, and we never lose count,
Of all the memories and moments we've penned.

So, let us embrace each day with cheer,
And cherish every hour that we find.
For time is precious, my dear,
And every moment is one of a kind.


  1. What is your favorite time of day, and why?
  2. Can you think of some special moments in your life that you would like to cherish forever?
  3. What are some things you like to do during different times of the day, such as morning, afternoon, or evening?
  4. How does time seem to pass differently when you are having fun versus when you are bored or not enjoying yourself?
  5. What are some ways you can make the most of your time and enjoy every moment?

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