The Adventures of the Shallow Creek Kids

In the shallow creek we play,
Where the water's low and we can stay.
The mud is soft and loose and wet,
But we don't mind, it's the best place yet!

We try to catch some fish and frogs,
And jump around on old tree logs.
Our shoes get dirty, our clothes get wet,
But we're having fun, we don't regret.

Sometimes we climb up really high,
And feel the wind rush by.
We hold on tight and feel so free,
As we soar above like birds in the trees.

But when the day is done and we're all tired,
We head back home feeling inspired.
We wash up clean and crawl in bed,
And dream of adventures yet ahead.

For life is hard but full of joy,
And every day we learn and grow.
So let's be kind and spread some love,
And let our spirits soar and glow.


  1. What are some of the fun things the children do in the shallow creek?
  2. How do the children feel when they climb up really high and soar above like birds in the trees?
  3. Why do the children wash up clean and crawl in bed at the end of the day?
  4. How does the poem make you feel about going outside and exploring nature?
  5. Can you think of a time when you had an adventure like the children in the poem?

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