Title: Reflections on Childhood Play, Friendship, and Kindness.

When we were young and small in age,
We used to play all day and engage,
Running and jumping along the way,
Feeling the air on our faces as we sway.

Sometimes we'd be alone and feeling sad,
But we'd always find a way to be glad,
Whether it was reading a book or playing a game,
We'd always find a way to tame.

An important lesson we learned back then,
Was to always agree and be a good friend,
No matter the amount of toys we had to share,
We knew that kindness was always there.

And even though some days were tough,
We'd remember that we were already enough,
For the world to see us and smile,
And know that we were loved all the while.

So let's keep playing, growing, and learning,
For our journey has only just begun,
And with each step we take, we'll keep on yearning,
To be the best that we can become.


  1. What did the author like to do when they were young?
  2. How did the author feel when they were alone? What did they do to feel better?
  3. What important lesson did the author learn when they were young?
  4. What does the author want us to keep doing as we grow up?

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