The Birthday Bird's Better Bite

Between the big blue sky and the earth below,
A little bird flew, quick and slow.
With a flutter of its wings and a chirp so sweet,
It perched on a branch to take a seat.

It looked around and saw a sight,
A birthday party, what a delight!
Besides the cake, the balloons, and the fun,
There was something else that needed to be done.

The bird decided to take a bit,
Of the cake, it was such a hit!
But it realized it wasn't the best,
To take what wasn't theirs, the bird confessed.

Instead, the bird found a better way,
To celebrate this special day.
It sang a song, a cheerful tune,
And made everyone happy, from noon to noon.

The bird knew the importance of birth,
And that it wasn't just about cakes and mirth.
It was about being kind, and doing what's right,
And making the world a little more bright.

So let's learn from this little bird,
And spread some joy with every word.
For between the ups and downs in life,
Kindness is what makes everything right.


  1. Who is the main character in the poem and what did the bird do at the birthday party?
  2. What did the bird learn about taking things that don't belong to them?
  3. What did the bird do instead of taking a bite of the cake, and how did that make everyone feel?
  4. Why do you think the poem talks about the importance of birth and being kind?
  5. Can you think of a time when you did something kind for someone's birthday, or when someone did something kind for your birthday?

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