The Amazing Adventures of the Body Boat

Come, children, gather around
And I'll tell a tale quite profound
About the wonders of the body we own
And all the amazing things we've known.

Like a boat, we navigate the world
Our legs and arms unfurled
We build with blocks and run and play
Our bones strong enough to bear the weight.

But sometimes we might fall and bleed
A little blue bruise is what we need
To remind us that we're not invincible
And that our bodies are so very valuable.

Sometimes a boil might appear
But it'll go away, never fear
And if we ever need a blow
Our blood will keep us going with its flow.

So take care of your body, little ones
And it'll take care of you when all is done
Remember to treat it with love and care
And it'll be with you everywhere.

On land or on board, in the air or the sea
Your body will be your constant company
So cherish it, nurture it, and make it strong
And it'll be with you your whole life long.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the poem:

  1. What is the poem about?
  2. What are some ways the human body is like a boat?
  3. What do our bones do for us?
  4. What happens when we get a bruise or cut?
  5. What is the importance of taking care of our bodies?
  6. Can you think of other things that the body might be compared to?
  7. What did you learn about the body from the poem?
  8. Do you think the body is amazing? Why or why not?

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