The Adventures of the Chicken and the Mouse: Chasing Cheese and Taking Chances

Once upon a time, in a century long past,
Lived a little chicken, free to run and fast.
She dreamed of a chance to explore beyond her coop,
And chase after adventure, not just loop after loop.

One day she caught a whiff of a certain scent,
Of warm, gooey cheese that made her heart content.
But to reach the cheese, she had to take a chance,
And navigate through obstacles, like a game of dance.

She climbed on a chair to get a better view,
And saw the cheese was in the central avenue.
With a change in her plan, she darted out the door,
And ran as fast as she could, until her legs were sore.

Along the way, she met a friend who was cheap,
A little mouse who loved to laugh and leap.
Together they searched for the cheese they craved,
And with a little luck, they finally caught it, saved!

The chicken and the mouse enjoyed the cheese so fine,
Savoring each bite, feeling oh so divine.
They learned that when they work together, anything's achievable,
And with a little bit of luck, every goal is reachable.

So kids, always take a chance, and never be afraid to change,
Chase your dreams, catch them, and never think them strange.
Certain obstacles may arise, but don't you despair,
With a little bit of teamwork, you'll make it anywhere.


  1. What does the chicken dream of and how does she achieve it?
  2. What do the chicken and the mouse learn about the importance of taking chances and working together?
  3. How do you think the chicken and the mouse felt when they finally caught the cheese?
  4. Can you think of a time when you had to take a chance to achieve something you wanted?
  5. How does the poem encourage us to be brave and pursue our goals, even when there are obstacles in our way?

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