Cloudy Climbing Adventure

Let's put on our clothes and start the day,
It's cloudy outside, but we'll find a way,
To climb up high and reach for the sky,
Even if we can't see it with our eye.

We'll check the clock to see the time,
And make sure we're not running behind,
But first, let's brew some coffee strong,
To give us energy all day long.

As we venture out and start to roam,
We might need to close our eyes and go home,
But we'll remember the cloud that we saw,
And the cloth we used to wipe our paw.

So let's have fun and explore each day,
Through sunshine or rain, come what may,
With clothes to keep us warm and snug,
And a clock to keep us on the right lug.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the poem:

  1. What is your favorite word from the poem, and why?
  2. Why do you think the author chose words that all start with the letter "c"?
  3. Can you think of other words that start with the letter "c" that the author could have used in the poem?
  4. What was your favorite part of the adventure described in the poem?
  5. If you could go on a similar adventure, where would you go and what would you do?

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