The Brave Decision: Confronting Danger with Courage

In the deep and dark of night,
There's danger lurking out of sight.
But fear not, my young friends so dear,
For you can decide what to do, don't fear!

When danger's near, don't play it cool,
Instead, remember this golden rule:
To decrease your risk, be smart and strong,
And stay away from what feels wrong.

If you feel afraid or unsure,
Call for help or find a cure.
And if you're lost and feeling low,
Just look around, there's always a glow.

The light of day will soon appear,
Bringing hope and joy and cheer.
And when the day is done and through,
Your daughter's waiting just for you.

So take her hand and lead the way,
And dance together, come what may.
For life's too short to live in fear,
So dance and sing and be sincere.


  1. What are some things that can be dangerous?
  2. Why is it important to make smart decisions when faced with danger?
  3. What are some ways to decrease your risk of danger?
  4. How can you overcome fear and find courage to face dangerous situations?
  5. Why is it important to seek help and support when you need it?
  6. How does dancing and being with loved ones help us feel happier and more confident?
  7. Have you ever faced a dangerous situation? What did you do to stay safe?
  8. Can you think of a time when you helped someone else who was in danger?
  9. What can you do to prepare yourself for potential danger?
  10. What can we do as a community to make our world safer for everyone?

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