Daisy's Double Discoveries

A little pup named Daisy,
Loved to play and roam.
She'd wag her tail and bark,
And always find a new home.

One day she found a door,
And pushed it with her nose.
She saw a dish of treats,
And wagged her tail with those.

She gobbled up the snacks,
And then looked all around.
She saw a ball and ran,
And chased it to the ground.

As she was running down,
She stopped to take a rest.
And then she looked around,
And saw a brand new quest.

She decided to discover,
What lay beyond the yard.
She took off like a rocket,
And ran twice as hard.

So if you see a dog like Daisy,
Running wild and free.
Remember to keep up,
And follow her lead double-y.


  1. What did Daisy discover when she pushed the door open?
  2. What did Daisy do when she found the dish of treats?
  3. What did Daisy discover when she looked beyond the yard?
  4. How did Daisy run when she decided to follow her new quest?
  5. What lesson can we learn from Daisy's playful and adventurous spirit?

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