Brave Little Mouse: Conquering Fear and Finding Strength

In a land of wonder and delight,
Where every day is filled with light,
There lived a little female mouse,
With a heart so brave and a spirit so douse.

But she had a fault, she was afraid,
Of things that scurried and shadows made.
Her little heart would fill with fear,
Whenever she heard something near.

One day, she caught a little fever,
And knew she needed to be a believer,
In her strength and in her might,
To face her fear and win the fight.

So she set out to feed her soul,
With stories of courage, brave and bold.
She watched a film of heroes great,
Who stood up tall and didn't hesitate.

With every passing day, she began to feel,
A little braver and a little more real.
She faced her fear, and she didn't cower,
For she knew that she had the power.

And now, our little mouse is strong,
And she knows that she belongs,
In this world where a few are brave,
And where fear can be conquered and sent to its grave.


  1. Who is the main character of the poem?
  2. What is the fault that the little mouse has and how does it affect her?
  3. What did the little mouse do to overcome her fear?
  4. What did she do to feed her soul and find her strength?
  5. What message do you think the poem is trying to convey?

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