Once a foolish young boy,
Found some paper to deploy,
He tried to fold it oh so neat,
But the corners just wouldn't meet.
Hungry from his hard work,
He searched for some food to lurk,
He found an apple and a pear,
And gobbled them up without a care.
Then he saw a football near,
And kicked it with a great big cheer,
With all his might and all his force,
He felt like a champion, of course.
But his foot began to ache,
So he sat down for a break,
He thought about the fun he'd had,
And felt grateful for all he had.
For food and football, fun and fold,
And for all the stories yet to be told,
He knew that life was full of joy,
For every young girl and boy.
Here are some questions to ask kids to think about the poem:
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