Grandparents' Love, More Precious than Gold

Once upon a time, not long ago,
There were two kids with hearts aglow,
For they were going to visit their grandparents old,
Whose stories and love were worth more than gold.

First, they met their grandmother, kind and fair,
Whose gentle touch and warm embrace they could not compare,
She taught them songs and read them books,
And cooked them meals with her special looks.

Next, they met their grandfather, strong and wise,
Who taught them to be good and always to prize,
The values of love, kindness, and truth,
And to cherish their family, from their youth.

But soon, it was time to say goodbye,
For they had to go back to their own little lives,
Their grandparents hugged them tight and said a prayer,
That God would keep them in His loving care.

As they walked away, they looked back to see,
Their grandparents waving and smiling happily,
And on their way home, they saw a goat,
Chewing on grass, with a curious note.

The kids laughed and played, and as they did,
They thought of their grandparents and the love they bid,
And they knew, no matter where they roam,
Their grandparents' love would always be their home.


  1. Who are the characters in the poem, and what do they do?
  2. What did the kids learn from their grandparents?
  3. How did the grandparents show their love to the kids?
  4. What does the poem say about the value of family?
  5. How do you think the kids felt when they had to say goodbye to their grandparents?
  6. Do you have any special memories of visiting your own grandparents or other family members?
  7. What are some important values that you have learned from your own family?

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