Lost in the Woods

Hello little one, how do you do?
I'm here to share a poem with you,
So lend an ear, and don't be shy,
I promise it won't be too heavy, no lie!

Now, let's talk about being healthy and strong,
It's important for your body, all day long.
Eat your fruits and veggies, and drink your milk,
And your body will be happy, smooth as silk.

But sometimes we need some help, it's true,
And that's okay, we all need it too.
Just raise your hand and ask a friend,
Or a grown-up nearby, they'll help you to the end.

And lastly, let's talk about your head,
It's where all your thoughts and dreams are bred.
So keep it positive, and full of love,
And your world will be as bright as the sun up above.

So, hello little one, it's time to go,
But always remember what you now know,
Stay healthy, ask for help, and keep your head high,
And you'll be happy as can be, until the day you die!


  1. What are some ways you can stay healthy and strong?
  2. Why is it okay to ask for help sometimes?
  3. How can you keep a positive mindset even when things get tough?
  4. Who can you talk to if you need help or support?
  5. What did you like best about the poem?

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