The Adventures of the Boy and the Girl on the Hill

Once upon a time, on a hill up high,
Lived a little boy with a twinkle in his eye,
His hobby was collecting things, big and small,
From stamps to shells, he had them all.

One day he found a ball, red and round,
He held it tight and spun it around,
But as he threw it up, it hit a tree,
And fell in a hole that he couldn't see.

He tried to reach it, with all his might,
But it was too deep, and he couldn't get it right,
So he decided to hide and take a break,
And that's when he met a girl named Kate.

She had a hobby of painting, with colors bright,
And as she saw him, she said, "Hello, it's nice to meet you, right?"
He smiled and said, "Yes, it's nice to meet you too,"
And they both started talking, with nothing else to do.

He showed her his collection, with pride and joy,
And she shared her paintings, that she made with a paintbrush coy,
They laughed and played, and had so much fun,
That they almost forgot about the ball, left in the sun.

As the sun started setting, and the sky turned red,
He remembered the ball, that he thought was long dead,
He said, "I need to find it, before it's too late,"
And she said, "Don't worry, I'll help you find it, mate."

Together they searched, high and low,
And finally found the ball, buried in the snow,
He held it tight, and said, "Thank you, Kate,"
And she replied, "No worries, it was fun, it's fate."

From that day on, they became the best of friends,
And went on many adventures, around the bends,
So if you ever find yourself on a hill up high,
Look around, you might find a friend, just like I.


  1. What was the boy's hobby, and what did he like to collect?
  2. What happened to the ball that the boy found, and how did he and the girl find it again?
  3. How did the boy and the girl become friends, and what did they do together?
  4. What did the boy learn about the importance of friendship from his adventure with the girl?
  5. Have you ever made a new friend while doing something you enjoy, like the boy and the girl did in the poem?

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