The Key to the Kingdom

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away,
There lived a kind king, who ruled every day.
He had a little kid, whom he loved so dear,
And he gave him a key, to keep very near.

This key was special, for it held the power,
To keep the kingdom safe, every hour.
The king said, "My child, you must keep it close,
For with this key, you can protect our abode."

The kid promised to keep it safe and sound,
And never let it get lost or be found.
He knew that his duty was to protect,
And keep the kingdom safe from any effect.

One day, a fierce enemy came to the land,
And they tried to kill the king with their own hand.
But the little kid, with his key so bright,
Locked the enemy out, with all his might.

The king was safe, thanks to his little one,
And the enemy was defeated, their evil undone.
The kid had proven his worth, and his keep,
And the kingdom rejoiced, as they slept deep.

From that day on, the key was always near,
And the kid was a hero, without any fear.
He had saved the king, and the kingdom too,
And his kind heart had seen them through.


  1. Who are the main characters in the poem?
  2. What was the little kid's responsibility?
  3. Why was the key important to the kingdom?
  4. How did the little kid save the day?
  5. What did the king think of his little kid after he saved the kingdom?
  6. What lesson can we learn from the little kid's actions?
  7. Why is it important to be responsible, kind, and brave like the little kid in the story?
  8. What would you do if you were given a special key to protect something important?

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