Adventures of a Brave Little Leg

Come and listen, young ones, to a tale
Of adventure and discovery without fail
It all begins with a little leg
That decided to go on a journey and beg

It left its comfy spot on the ground
And started to walk without a sound
Along the path, it learned so much
About the world, its people, and such

It saw the length of the river stream
And the colorful leaf of a tree so green
It heard the sound of a lending hand
And the rustling of leaves across the land

And when it was time to leave
The leg knew it had achieved
A great adventure, full of fun
And it was grateful for all it had done

So now, my little friends, it's your turn
To explore the world and learn
Take a step to the left, and then
Begin your journey, again and again!


  1. What did the leg see and learn on its journey?
  2. How did the leg feel at the end of its adventure?
  3. Why do you think it's important to explore and learn about the world?
  4. Have you ever gone on an adventure or journey like the leg?
  5. Can you think of any other body parts that might want to go on a journey and learn new things?

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