Lost and Found: A Tale of Discovery

I'll write a poem for young kids so sweet,
Using words like "meat" and "meet."
And in this poem you'll also find,
Words like "medicine" and "meal" combined.

Let's start with "me," that's me you see,
I'm happy and friendly as can be.
I may be small, but I'm full of cheer,
And I hope you'll find me very dear.

Now let's mention a few more words,
Like "member" and "measure," for the birds.
They may sound strange, but don't you fear,
We'll make them fun and oh so clear.

For instance, a member is part of a group,
And to measure is to figure out a loop.
So when you put them together just right,
You'll understand them in your sight.

Now, let's talk about a mean old word,
That often gets mentioned but is absurd.
It's "mean" and it's not very nice,
But we won't let it bring down our spice.

Instead, we'll focus on a tasty treat,
Like a juicy steak or a slice of meat.
It's part of a meal that we all love,
And it fits like a hand in a glove.

And if you're not feeling so well,
And need some help to make you swell,
There's medicine to make you right,
And it'll help you through the night.

Finally, let's end with "meet,"
Which means to come together and greet.
So let's all meet and have some fun,
And enjoy the day under the sun.

So there you have it, a poem for you,
Filled with words that are tried and true.
Now go out and have some fun,
And remember to always be number one!


  1. What is the snowman a metaphor for in the poem?
  2. How does the poem make you feel about the snowman?
  3. What do you think the poet is trying to say about life through the snowman metaphor?
  4. Have you ever experienced something in your life that felt temporary, like the snowman in the poem?
  5. Can you think of anything in nature that reminds you of the impermanence of life?

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