Words to Learn and Use: Miss, Million, Mind, Milk, Mill, and Mine.

In the middle of the day,
When you've got a minute to play,
Let me tell you about some words,
That might sound absurd!

First up is "miss",
It means to fail or dismiss,
But don't you worry, little one,
Mistakes happen to everyone!

Next is "million",
It's a number quite chillin',
With six zeroes at the end,
It's hard to comprehend!

"Mind" is what helps you think,
It's where all your thoughts link,
Use it to learn and explore,
And your knowledge will soar!

"Milk" is what you drink,
To make your bones strong and pink,
It comes from cows and goats too,
And it's good for me and you!

A "mill" is where they make flour,
By grinding grains hour after hour,
It's a big machine that's really grand,
And it's powered by a strong hand!

Finally, there's "mine",
Which means it belongs to thine,
Use it to talk about your stuff,
Like your toys, books, or fluff!

So there you have it, kids,
Some words to learn and midst,
Use them wisely and with care,
And your language skills will surely flare!


  1. What is the meaning of the word "miss"?
  2. Where does milk come from and why is it good for our bodies?
  3. What does the word "mind" mean and how can we use it to learn and explore?
  4. What is a "mill" and what is its purpose?

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