Mother Mouse Moves the Mountain

My dear little ones, gather 'round
Let me tell you a story that's sure to astound
Of a mother mouse who lived in a house
On a mountain so tall, she'd scurry and douse

She loved to sing, she loved to play
She'd make sweet music every day
But there was a problem, you see
She couldn't move as much as she'd like to be

Her mouth was too small, her paws were too weak
She couldn't climb the mountain peak
But she knew she must keep trying
For her dreams were not for denying

So she practiced and practiced, day and night
She stretched and exercised with all her might
Till one day she finally moved that mountain
And her music echoed from the fountain

So remember, my dear little friends
If you want something, don't let it end
Believe in yourself and give it your all
And you'll move that mountain, big or small.


  1. What did the mother mouse love to do?
  2. What was the problem that she faced?
  3. What did she do to overcome the problem?
  4. Why is it important to believe in oneself?
  5. What lesson can you learn from this poem?

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