The Nightly News Adventure

In the night so dark and deep,
As I lay in bed to sleep,
I heard a sound that made me peep,
It was the rustling of a newspaper heap.

Curious, I got up to see,
What news was there for me,
I saw the headlines in bold,
And read the stories they told.

There was news of people far and near,
And events that made me cheer,
Of heroes brave and wise,
And of triumphs in the skies.

It was nice to learn something new,
About the world and all it can do,
As I turned to page nine,
I knew the next day would be just fine.

For with knowledge in my mind,
And a spirit bold and kind,
I knew I could face any test,
And be the very best!


  1. What inspired the child to get up and explore the newspaper in the night?
  2. What kind of news did the child find in the newspaper?
  3. How did reading the news make the child feel?
  4. What did the child learn from reading the newspaper?
  5. What message did the child take away from the experience?

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