A Walk Along the Peaceful Path

Once upon a time, in the distant past,
There were people and places that didn't last.
But stories and memories, they still remain,
Etched in our hearts like ink on a pen.

Now let's take a walk, down a peaceful path,
Where the birds sing sweetly, and the sun's warm bath,
Shines down upon us, and fills us with light,
Guiding us forward, with all our might.

We'll bring a pencil, and a notebook too,
To capture the beauty, of all we do.
Drawing and writing, with hearts full of glee,
Creating our own little world, for us to see.

And as we walk, we'll learn to pay,
Attention to nature, in every way.
For it's in the stillness, that we find peace,
And the worries of the world, begin to cease.

So let's hold hands, and skip along,
Our imagination will carry us strong.
For there's magic in every step we take,
And a new adventure, for us to make.


  1. What does the poem tell us about the past?
  2. What do the people in the poem do to capture the beauty of their surroundings?
  3. What does the pencil symbolize in the poem?
  4. Why do you think it's important to find peace in the present moment?
  5. What would you draw or write in your notebook if you went on a walk down a peaceful path?

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