The Seafaring Adventure of the Sad Sand Kids

In a land of sand and sea,
Lived a group of kids, just like thee,
They played all day and had some fun,
But sometimes they felt sad when day was done.

One day, they found a ship to sail,
And the captain said, "Hold tight to the rail!"
They ventured far, into the sea,
And saw new sights they had never seen.

The waves grew high, the wind blew strong,
But the captain knew how to keep them safe all along,
He taught them how to say, "Ahoy!" and "Aye aye!",
And they learned how to navigate the wide-open sky.

As they sailed back to their school on shore,
They realized they had learned so much more,
They learned how to be safe and brave,
And how to be a team and save the day.

Now every time they feel a little sad,
They remember their adventure and they're glad,
For they know that they're all the same,
And that they can conquer anything with just a little bit of salt and a little bit of game.


  1. What do you think the kids in the poem learned during their seafaring adventure?
  2. Why do you think the captain was so important to keeping the kids safe on their journey?
  3. How did the kids feel at the beginning of the poem, and how did they feel at the end?
  4. Why do you think the author included the idea of "salt" in the poem? What might it symbolize?
  5. If you were one of the kids on this adventure, what do you think you would have enjoyed the most?

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